Your Must Know Guide When Collecting Antique Mantel Clocks

There's something special about a home with a grand fireplace with ample room for a collection of antique mantel clocks. If you've considered beginning a collection of mantle clocks, you may want to take the time to do some homework. Collecting antique mantel clocks can be rewarding but it can also be expensive, especially if your knowledge is limited. Even though you can find affordable mantle clocks in a variety of styles, you'll want to ensure you're purchasing a true antique rather than a modern replica, or worse yet a fake antique. Take the time to do your research before purchasing your first clock and you'll know you're getting your money's worth.

Antique mantel clocks come in many types and styles. You can find alarm clocks, grandfather clocks, and cuckoo clocks. Since there are so many styles available, it would be helpful to choose one type to collect rather than trying to collect them all. If you are able to narrow your choice to one type of clock, it will make collecting that much easier. While you want each mantle clock to be able to stand on its own, you also want each one to be suitable to group together. If you should find a rare antique mantel clock of Mickey Mouse and you simply have to get it, be prepared to place it in a different location than with your cuckoo clock collection. Knowing what your collection goals are will help you decide whether or not to purchase that great clock and whether it will fit with your current collection.

While it is possible to have fun collecting antique mantel clocks, and there is a potential for profit, you'll want to be aware of some of the pitfalls you may encounter. Many people are interested in this type of collection so you may find clever reproductions pieces. In fact, some of the replicas are so well made that it's difficult to tell them from a true antique. You can use the same advice federal agents are given when learning to tell counterfeit money, "Spend so much time learning about the real dollars so you can tell the fake easily." This is especially important if you're an amateur. Doing your homework will help you avoid being taken advantage of and losing money. What can you do? Read online descriptions and pour over books about the real thing to learn which key elements to look for. Then, if at all possible, seek an independent appraisal of any antique mantle clock you're interested in prior to actually purchasing it.

While it is possible you'll find a rare antique mantel clock at a garage sale or online auction, don't get your hopes up. More than likely you'll have to look at reputable dealers or antique shops for what you're looking for. If you're looking for a particular piece to add to your collection, shop around and do your research before putting your hard-earned money on it. By shopping around, you may be able to find the same piece for less money. It may also be in better condition.

Collecting antique mantel clocks can be an enjoyable activity. Be wary of jumping right in without learning all you can about the subject, determining what the key signs are for recognizing a true antique, and what mistakes to avoid. Having this knowledge will keep you from making an expensive purchase to find out you've been duped later. When it comes to purchasing any type of collectible, the Latin phrase "caveat emptor," which means let the buyer beware, stands true.