Collecting Antique Coins

Collecting coins has become a very popular hobby in recent years. As gold and silver prices climb to new height every day, collecting antique coins is not only rewarding from an educational viewpoint, but many people are able to use this hobby as a source of prudent investment.

Antique coins are especially popular for coin collectors as they are often made of pure gold or silver. Many modern coins have additional elements such as copper added to make them more durable, and thus are less valuable. Antique coins can be bought from on-line auction sales, coin shows, malls and even in tourist attractions that have historical themes. As you might expect, antique coins vary greatly in value. Their value is often reflected in their historical significance and condition as well as the quality of the materials they are made from.

Here are some tips to be considered if you want to start collecting antique coins:

1. Make sure that the antique coin is genuine. With modern technology it is becoming increasingly easier to produce authentic looking fake coins. Its important that you can ascertain its authenticity, either in some form of certificate or by having an expert appraise the coin first hand if possible.

2. Start small and build. Yes, we would all like to own that rare Roman coin when we're starting out but don't take unnecessary risks or stretch your budget too far when you start out. Remember, you can always buy the really rare ones when you are more established.

3. Take care when starting out. You will gain a knowledge of antique coins as your collection improves and your eye will become more accustomed to spotting potential fakes. Always be aware that you could be falling victim to a scam or fraud and remain vigilant at all times. If an offer seems too good to be true, then it probably is.

4. If possible, always try and get a professional to appraise your potential purchase. Not only will it satisfy you of its authenticity but most experts will advise you on the right price to pay.

5. Try and limit your collection to a specific time or geographic region. Coin collections are actually worth more if they specialise in this way.

6. Look after your collection. No one wants to look at, or buy, a tatty collection of coins. Even valuable coins will lose their appeal if badly cared for. Antique coins must be treated with extra care in order to preserve their appearance as well as their value. While you want them to look good, a seasoned collector will know when to stop cleaning them as excessive cleaning will only depreciate their value.

Collecting antique coins can be a very rewarding pastime but, like all good hobbies it does require patience and a good eye for detail. You should take time to research your purchases thoroughly, but also take time to enjoy that feeling when you unearth a true find.